Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's been awhile....

Quite some time has passed since the last update. During that time Jack celebrated his FOURTH birthday! Time has gone by so fast...our little angel is getting more independent every day (read that statement as "Jack uses the word 'NO' more and more every day).
Mommy made a Jeep birthday cake per Jackson's request. I think it turned out pretty cool.

Mommy and Daddy took a short vacation to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary. Jack got to spend some time with both Grandmas over the weekend, and had his first 'sleepover'. These were also Mommy's first nights away from Jackson - I'm happy to report that both survived the separation. By the way, this picture was taken during the nicest weather of the weekend. Still, any day at the beach is better than working!

Virginia Beach without the crowds is a very nice place! We'll have to head back before the summer vacationers take over the town. I'm curious to see if Jack likes the surf!