Monday, April 5, 2010

Why does it always seem like my drink is missing?

The last several times I've been out working on the truck I've noticed a strange phenomenom...I'll reach for my drink and it will either be (a.) not where I left it, or (b)a lot less full than it was when I set it down.
At first, I chalked it up to getting older. Perhaps the results of early onset dementia? Maybe I didn't put it on the radiator - maybe I really did put it in the truck bed. I was beginning to worry a bit about how this extremely short memory was going to affect the other areas of my life (Did I remember to use deodorant this morning? Didn't I have a kid around here somewhere?)
I was bolting on a new solenoid under the hood and I noticed that my IBC Root Beer was not where I left it yet again (or was it?) and I walked to the back of the truck to look for it. This is what I found!
A drink thief!
After a little interrogation I discovered that Jack would wait until I set my nice cold drink down and become absorbed in a repair and then he would sneak up and 'borrow' my drink. I now keep much closer tabs on my beloved root beer. It is amazing how quickly Jackson can drain the contents from one of those frosty glass bottles!