Friday, April 27, 2012

Well, Of Course I'm Gonna Look!

Driving along the highway one afternoon not long ago I spotted a nice looking Jeep pickup. After nearly causing a rather large pile-up by rapidly changing lanes and slowing from 65mph, I stopped to check the truck out.
 The truck was in really good shape and I love the color combination.
 There was no information on the For Sale sign so I ventured across the parking lot to talk to the guys at the auto repair shop behind where the truck was parked.
 I asked the first mechanic I spotted if he had any information on the truck. After passing along a few details he mentioned the asking price.
I thought I did well not to laugh in front of the mechanic. While the truck looks nice, close inspection reveals rust on the chrome near and inside the cab, the undercarriage had not been repainted, and the bed had rust bubbles in several spots. In fairness the truck is a solid $7-8k value. But there's no way it is worth fifteen thousand dollars!
So in the end, I got to ogle some Jeep eye candy for a bit and I talked to an older mechanic that is building up a 1976 Jeep pickup. We discussed the axles swaps, engine upgrades, and gear choices he had made. Nice guy, but his boss might be a little too proud of his stuff!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Playing Around



Jackson recently received a SOAR Award at school. The award is for being "So Respectful" each day.
Here he is cheesing for the camera.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thank you!

So our 3.2 readers did a bang-up job sending postcards to Jack's class! A giant "THANK YOU!" to everyone that sent a card (or three) from all over the globe to help Jack's class learn more about geography. We had cards from Colorado, Hawaii, Arizona, and many more locales. I think there was even a postcard from Mars (the handwriting was really hard to read, so I'm not entirely sure!) From the large response I have a feeling that we might have a few more than 3.2 readers - or one great communication network in place!

Thank you to everyone that took the time to write and send a postcard!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


...a NEW Blog!

In an effort to not overwhelm our 2.7 readers with pictures of things other than the dashing Jackson, there is a new blog that will serve as a home for all photos that do not relate to Jack or the family. Don't fret, the highly irregular postings and poorly punctuated adventures of Jackson will still appear here at Don't Know Jack. The new blog will host numerous out of focus and poorly lit photos of plants, animals, cars, grafitti, and all sorts of other topics.

The design and layout will likely change several times in efforts to make the blog easier to 'read'. For now, please take a look at the new blog, and don't forget to bookmark it to check out the updates!

Find the new blog at

More Random Pics of That Kid