Thursday, May 31, 2012

Loaded and Ready to Roll!

The 1972 Jeep J2000 better known around our house as "Crusher" is making it's way to a new home this weekend. Poor Crusher has been sitting neglected in the backyard for about a year now. While Daddy hates to see any Jeep leave, the J2000 will be in a better place with owners who will give the poor truck the attention it deserves. The new owners? NorthernDaddy and NorthernToddler! Hopefully we can tune into NorthernBaby for posts that show the fun and frustration the two new owners have while making Crusher their own!

Wish me a safe and enjoyable journey as I deliver Crusher to Vermont!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wings, Wheels, and Warriors

The Manassas Airport Regional Business Alliance held an airshow today. Here are a few of the photos.

 Daddy loved the color combination on this Cessna.
 This is a Radio Controlled model. The wingspan is about five feet.
 Ferrari Testarossa. Loving it!
 An orange biplane. That would look good parked next to Big Orange in the driveway!

 The U.S. Army Golden Knights dropped in.
 This is just some guy taking his helicopter for a walk...
 Jack enjoying the shade.


 Yep. She's sitting on the bottom of the wing while he makes an inverted pass.

 Not only is she a wing walker, she is also the only woman in the United States that is qualified to pilot a plane while a wing walker performs.
 The Oracle biplane. This guy was stretching the wings and bending the prop! This plane did things that should be aerodynamically impossible.
 Cool as ice. Ready to go!
 The lone motorcycle in the air/car show.
 Fifty feet off the deck. High speed pass with a break. Simply breathtaking!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our Afternoon

 We stopped by the marina after visiting the playground. The geese were glad to take some stale bread off of our hands.
 Jack does so much better in photos when he's not posing! These cheesy, poor results are both right after Daddy asked him to look at the camera and say "Boogers".

 Daddy tried to be creative and save this shot. His efforts didn't work - the photo is terminal.
Daddy likes Jeeps. Daddy likes orange. What a great combination of the two! This Jeep would be absolutely perfect if it was lifted about 4", had a set of aggressive mud tires on it, and belonged to Daddy!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Jack thought it would be fun to roll down a large hill.

This is how he described the experience.

 Jump up and charge up the hill to roll again!


Jack loves being outside. Jack will sit and watch television or play on the computer for as long as you let him, but if given the option to go outside and explore he will leap at the chance. Today we visited two parks and two playgrounds. 

Here is Jack marching to the creek to throw some sticks into the water.
 This kid loves to play with sand! He spent forty minutes in the sandbox at the playground and another twenty minutes playing in the sand at the creek.
 This is Jack attempting to cross the creek after being told that "he'd better not get wet".
 Several seconds after this picture was snapped, our intrepid explorer decided that he could go no farther and insisted on being rescued.

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream...

Jack has pestered his Daddy for ice cream each and every time the ice cream tuck has driven down our street this spring. Which has been just about every day. Daddy never found himself with money in hand when the obnoxiously loud truck jingled past, but today Daddy finally had a few dollars and Jack enjoyed a Batman ice cream treat.