Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Don't Do Mornings

Jackson helping take care of Grayson. 

Jack's List

Jack saw Daddy writing a list of things needed from the store and he decided to make his own list.

For the readers that may not quite understand a six year old's spelling (and thought process), here is a translation of sorts...
*Earplugs (to block the "annoying" crying of the baby)
*Pencils (school is coming up)
*Balloons, Party Hats, and Cake (well, why not?!)
*Pizza (a kids gotta eat!)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blog for the Newbie

Jackson would like to direct your attention to the following blog

This new blog will follow Jack's little brother as he grows from sweet baby into (hopefully) an adorable boy!
The addition of another blog will also challenge Daddy's ability to keep everything up to date!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Biker Boy

Jack has shown a strong interest in riding his bicycle lately. Not sure if it is because Daddy began riding his bike recently, or if Jack is finally over his fright of his two wheeler. (You see, there was a traumatic event a year or so ago where the bike tried to eat him. Or so he says...)

 Here's our super Biker Boy charging hard!
 "Jack, watch where you are going..."
 "What? What did you say?"
"You need to watch where you are....."
 "Oh. Okay!"
"That was fun! I'm going to do it again!"

Sunday, August 5, 2012

BrickFair 2012

Jackson and Daddy visited BrickFair on Saturday. The event is an annual gathering that gives AFOLs (Adult Friends Of Lego) and other Lego fans the opportunity to show off what they have created out of Lego building pieces. This year was the first year that Jack or Daddy have been to BrickFair and we didn't know what to expect. After waiting in a very long line, we entered the Expo center. There were thousands of Lego creations on display! There were a few builds that were 'stock' Lego kits, but most of the builds were MOCs - My Own Creation. There were some very creative pieces along with a bunch of models that were just fun to look at.

 Hot Rod Tractor

 Steamer - complete with smoke coming out of the stack

 Coast Guard Helo with rotor wash

 This one had a bit of humor for the adults - these two minifigures enjoyed too much to drink while building this shed....

 Spiderman makes an appearance

 One of Daddy's favorites.

 A Porsche built out of Technics. There is no official Porsche kit from Lego, this builder did a pretty good job creating the body lines.

 Some of these builds have great details!

 A-10 Warthog. Sweet!

 Several other military aircraft. Again, these don't have kits, these guys just did an awesome job building these planes!

 An AFOL. 
(Inspires Daddy to new levels of facial hair)

 If you are going to model commerce, these are two fine companies to use!

 Here Jack uses a controller pad to direct the robotics Lego to shoot a ball into the diorama and attempt to knock down one of the 'villains'.

 This ship rocked! Despite it's large size it still displayed a large amount of detail.

 Small and simple. Again, no kit. 

 This is just a small sample of a very large farm land build.

 Both this carousel and the Ferris Wheel (to the left) were powered to turn.

 Another model of a combine. Farming was popular this year.