Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kids These Days

Seems like kids are getting used to electronic devices while still quite young. Daddy was playing with rocks and sticks when he was seven years old - Jack uses an iPad.
 Jack mentioned that he gets to use an iPad in his first grade class. Daddy had classroom entertainment from watching filmstrips and being picked to crank the mimeograph machine.
 See what I mean about using electronics at an early age? Even Gray gets in on the iPad action!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The winter of 2012-13 has not brought much snow to our area, much to Daddy's approval. Several weak flurries are about all that Woodbridge has seen before today. Today's snow storm dropped a whopping 3" of heavy wet snow here at the house. Friends to the west near Front Royal, Va. report up to 22" of snow - thankfully we missed that! 

While Daddy hates the snow and all of the hassles it brings (shoveling, cold, wet, even worse driving in an area already full of crappy drivers), Jackson LOVES the snow. From the moment he woke up this morning all Jack wanted to do was go outside and play. So Jack and Daddy bundled up and headed outside - Jack to play, and Daddy to shovel the drive and clear the cars.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

SOAR Award 2013

 Jackson received a SOAR Award at school for showing respect to classmates and adults. The occasion was marked by a televised certificate ceremony with other SOAR Award winners, followed by a cookie and drink in the library. Daddy and Grayson were there but alas, no cookies for either of them.

Future Troublemakers

Mommy and Daddy are going to have a handful of trouble from these two characters!

Ice Skating

Some Things Just Have No Explanation...

Visiting with Levi

 "See Jack, if you reach in here just right you can find the secret stuff."
"Um Levi....isn't stealing things outta mailboxes a federal offense?"

 "Today....Today we go to WAR!"

 "I'll defend the highlands"

"I'ma gonna drag this big 'ol cannon home!"

Jackson Who?

Yes, it has been a while since the last post.
Let's see if we can get up to date.