Sunday, July 26, 2009

Catching Up

Wow! Two months have flown by since the last post. I wish I could say the time was filled with exciting adventures and major milestones, but alas, it is not so. Life's everyday stuff mixed with a touch 'o lazy has prevented me from posting. Since I suffer from CRS syndrome I am searching back through the camera for images...

Jackson missed his Daddy (I hope) for several nights while I spent four days in Martinsburg, West Virginia. A new Target is opening there and I was assigned to help 'assemble' the store.

Jackson, Daddy, and Levi hanging out during a trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor. I missed the memo about wearing an orange shirt!

Warning! Do not leave your french fries unattended near the dark haired child! I repeat, do NOT leave fries unattended near the little one!

"Pssst,Levi...Whaddya say we ditch these squares as soon as the photo is done and we can go find some real fun?!"

"Now this is what I'm talking about! Help me turn the wheel...Let's see if we can knock that guy over there into the water! Just nudge him a bit with the bow!"

"Damn the torpedoes.FULL SPEED AHEAD!"

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