Saturday, September 19, 2009

"10 Adventures"

Daddy told Jack early in the week that we would have an 'adventure' on Saturday when Mommy was at work and it was just the guys' day to do what we wanted. Well, somewhere along the way to the weekend, Jax decided we were going to have "ten adventures".
Our first adventure was a high level conference call to the top brass at Fisher Price....
Actually we did have a video call scheduled for Saturday morning - we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to chat with the family in Montgomery via Skype. We got to talk to (and see!) Great Grandmother, Aunt Diane, Caroline, Nikki, Darrell, David, and a few other folks. There was a lot of blue and orange on the screen in support of Auburn's football game today.
After our video call, and some breakfast, (Grandma was horrified that Daddy would feed Jackson a frozen waffle, frozen. I still don't think she believes that he likes them that way!) Daddy and Jack rolled into Manassas, Va. for the car show being presented by the Bull Run Antique Auto Club.

This is one of the first sport-utility vehicles, a Cheverolet Suburban. Originally two wheel drive, converted to four wheel drive in a partnership between the factory and a company named NAPCO. A very nice example, and Daddy's favorite vehicle of the show!
[I'm not certain why Jack has adopted the pose he holds in this photo. Perhaps he was confused as to exactly which member of the paparazzi following him was taking the picture?]

Jack in front of a Landrover.

A 1966 International Ambulance.

A 12 cylinder Jaguar engine. Yowza!

"Daddy, what do these spell?"

"Those letters spell 'Damn Fast', Son"

A cool example of a classy motorcar from back in the day.

Brought over to the show by our friends at Manassas Chrysler/Jeep.

This is not what first comes to mind when somone mentions they drive a station wagon!

A truly beautiful Nomad. Daddy and Jackson would cruise in a wagon like this for sure!

So after the video call and the car show, Daddy and Jack had only completed two of our 'ten' adventures. What to do next? We cruised across town in the Big Blue Buick and picked up chicks...well, just one and it was Mommy! Hit the quick chicken place for lunch and then it was back to work for Mommy.

Jack declared that his next adventure of the day would be to go to Target. So we did. Jack talked his Daddy into two videos and a book of temporary tattoos. Good thing the videos we on the $5 endcap! Jack took a tour of the store and charmed all of Daddy's co-workers. A pass through Food Ave. netted Jack and Daddy a matching pair of red Icee treats.

Next Jack wanted to stroll the mall. We came across a carousel, and Jack did a little recon. After determining that none of the children riding the carousel had fallen off during the round and round trip, Jack proceeded to fleece his Dad of a dollar for a ride. Surprising, since Jack would usually rather climb on a stationary toy instead of spinning around to music. Dollar in, button pressed, music started, roundy round started...sure enough, after about $.34 worth of ride, Jack wants off of this strange contraption. A few slugs of his Icee brings the nerves back in line and we head for the car.

Our (not quite) ten adventures ended with a long nap for Jackson while Daddy mowed the grass. The yard was well over due for a cutting after a lengthy period of rainy weather and laziness. Daddy entertained himself as he wrestled the mower through the deep mess by repeatedly singing the opening howl from Guns and Roses "Welcome to the Jungle".

Not quite ten adventures, but a good day for the boys.

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