Thursday, February 11, 2010

Da Blizzard of 2010 : Post 110,346,584,665

Sick of the snow and ice. Worn out from moving a shovel. Tired of being cold. Doing a sunshine dance to encourage the spring to head our way.

Jackson seems to be enjoying the weather. He recently got a new pair of boots and has been wearing them often - inside and out. Jack has been passing the time indoors by watching his "Clifford" movies repeatedly. And doing various other things to keep from becoming bored. He recently borrowed Daddy's camera and made these random images.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Da Blizzard of 2010 -Post Three: Start of the Cleanup

So the snow slowed down enough for Daddy to get out and start clearing snow. The first task was to create a path for the dog off the deck. The second task was to get the front door open. Below is the path along the front walk - wide enough to get through, narrow enough to prevent a shovelling induced heart attack.
The next step was to get the car uncovered. This required clearing the thirty inches of snow off the ground surrounding the car and then pushing the thirty inches of snow off the top of the car, only to have to clear that thirty inches off the ground surrounding the car again. Great fun. The pile of snow behind the car is an untouched drift that was against the Buick. The only thing done here was to move the car forward to make getting at the snow on the drive a bit easier. Amazing how much snow fell from this storm!

This is Crusher. Maybe we should change the name to 'Casper, the Friendly Truck'. To give you an idea of how much snow is on top of the Jeep - the upper part of the black arm of the mirror is attached to the door frame near the roof of the truck! The top of the hood is where the rounded opening is on the front! Lots and lots of snow.

Da Blizzard of 2010 -Post Two: Fighting Boredom

Jackson and Mommy built the Sucrose Express this morning. Daddy would have helped but he was experimenting with different techniques of hibernation.

Da Blizzard of 2010 - Post One

I don't know for sure if this storm is truly a blizzard, but the hype surrounding it certainly qualifies it for blizzard status. We've heard nothing but "snow, snow, snow!" on the news and radio. We've seen the long lines of people buying multiple cartloads of groceries to keep them alive when they become trapped in their homes for...a day. Shovels and sleds are sold out at every store in the area yet the phone calls still swamp the switchboard -"I know this is a silly question, but do you have any shovels left?" -if you know it's a silly question, why do you call to ask? No shovels, but the store has plenty of swimsuits and sandals!
So the snow is coming down. And continues to come down.
This is outside the deck door. I shovelled a path for the dog right before we turned in for the night. The path was clean down to the wood on the deck. Now, not so much.

The picture below shows the top seven inches of a three foot tall chain link fence. There has been some drifting, but not much at the fence line.