Saturday, February 6, 2010

Da Blizzard of 2010 -Post Three: Start of the Cleanup

So the snow slowed down enough for Daddy to get out and start clearing snow. The first task was to create a path for the dog off the deck. The second task was to get the front door open. Below is the path along the front walk - wide enough to get through, narrow enough to prevent a shovelling induced heart attack.
The next step was to get the car uncovered. This required clearing the thirty inches of snow off the ground surrounding the car and then pushing the thirty inches of snow off the top of the car, only to have to clear that thirty inches off the ground surrounding the car again. Great fun. The pile of snow behind the car is an untouched drift that was against the Buick. The only thing done here was to move the car forward to make getting at the snow on the drive a bit easier. Amazing how much snow fell from this storm!

This is Crusher. Maybe we should change the name to 'Casper, the Friendly Truck'. To give you an idea of how much snow is on top of the Jeep - the upper part of the black arm of the mirror is attached to the door frame near the roof of the truck! The top of the hood is where the rounded opening is on the front! Lots and lots of snow.

1 comment:

  1. Nice snow! Glad to see that NoVa gets to experience a fun winter storm! (Too bad VDOT isn't equipped to clear things out.) Only a few things to remember when shoveling: one-snow shovels are just wide enough to create a path for an adult, two-don't throw the snow into the wind or onto an area that will need to be shoveled later, and three-don't worry about heart attacks: You've gotta hurry the shoveling along so that you finish the job before the plow comes back through and buries things again!
