Saturday, July 17, 2010

Daddy Points

Today was a busy day! Jack and Daddy went to get measured for our tuxedos. That's right, these two good looking guys are going to be strutting our stuff at Brent and Shannah's upcoming wedding! Of course, Daddy left the camera in the car so no preview pics.
The two of us continued on to lunch with Mommy, Brent, and Paw-Paw. After lunch Daddy and Jack went in search of a playground. Locust Shade Park fit the bill. We explored the dock and shoreline at the pond, played on a shiny new playground that had, among other neato things, a rock climbing wall. Then we explored the amphitheater and hiked a bit more before seeking the coolness of the car. Again, Daddy left the camera in the car.
Next stop was another playground. Jackson did a nice job of playing nicely with two other kids, one of which was a girl who was fiercely defending "her" playground against newcomers. I was about to knock this little tyrant off the play set, so I'm very proud of my boy for restraining himself as well. The camera? Yep, left in the car.
Next stop on the make-it-up-as-we-go adventure was the Stafford Target to say hello to Miss Kristie. Of course we had to spend almost an hour looking at all of the toys and all of the movies and nothing that Daddy wanted to look at. Jax finally settled on an Imaginext toy that "looks like a spider". Luckily it was on clearance!

After Target we wandered through a Petsmart. Jack loves looking at the cats there for adoption. Too bad Daddy is allergic...there were some pretty cool cats needing homes. Daddy almost brought home a hermit crab but decided to do some research first. Hermit crabs aren't exactly cuddly pets but they are low maintenance. Where was the camera? Surely you can guess!

1 comment:

  1. Hermit Crabs are easy, but not a cuddly pet since they will pinch given the oportunity. My mom liked the thing a whole lot more than I did. Frogs and bunnies are much better pets.
