Friday, August 20, 2010

Free - but oh! such a cost!

For the last several years I have really been into free stuff. I've lately been on the lookout for a beat up tractor or parts to fix my current tractor with a price tag of cheap or nothing. I don't need a tractor to cut my grass, so spending money on a tractor or parts wasn't justified. Well, about two weeks ago someone on my local Jeep forum posted up a free lawn tractor. The tractor was not running and needed a bit of work. I am close friends with the person getting rid of the tractor so I replied to the post, texted, and followed up with a phone call to ensure I was first in line (I know, how much of a line can there be for a beat up, non-running tractor?).
So after borrowing a truck and hitching up the trailer, Jack and I made a quick run up the highway to pick up the tractor. I spent the drive wondering what might possibly be wrong with the tractor. Could be anything! I didn't know if I would be able to fix the tractor but I did know that I was tired of push mowing the backyard in the 100 degree heat. So at worst I would be out the cost of the gas required to pick the tractor up and return it to the Mapleshade Garage - also known as the Causey Home for Unwanted Tractors and Wayward Jeeps. Turns out the tractor needed a fuel pump (had a spare in the shop!), a tune up, a brake adjustment, and the tracking down and repair of a wire in the operator safety system. All done and the tractor is now running.
Yes, the free tractor is a JD. A John Deere. For those that may not know my tractor allegiances I used to run this bumper sticker on my truck.
I've been known to get in lengthy arguments over the attributes of John Deere tractors vs. other makes. When people say "Nothing Runs Like a Deere" I've saucily replied with a witty "Yeah, no other tractor runs like a Deere - because the others actually run!" (Don't try to figure out tractor brand wars, there is no logic or intelligence involved).

For years I was anti-Deere. Hated them and the people that claimed their superiority. Only recently have I discovered that the source of my JD distaste (and that of Harley Davidson motorcycles as well) is that many of the owners of these machines latch on to the image of the brand rather than compare the product with others. People have the idea that a John Deere is the pinnacle of lawn tractor ownership. Just because it's green and yellow it must be the best. Not always the case as there are several brands that do quite well when compared to the 'ol JDs.

I have since mellowed out and can appreciate many different machines for the capability they have rather than the company that supplies the tractor. Which I suppose is all for the best as I think I might have sold my soul - I now rock this bumper sticker!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Art of Flight

SR71 Blackbird

You've seen the roadside signs that state "Speed Limit Enforced by Aircraft"? This is what the police use...if they catch you speeding they fly down on top of your car and reach out to knock on your window to tell you to pull over.

Crosley built a plane. (Yes, the same company that built those tiny cars in the fifties).
I think the cars were bigger!

I like orange. I like biplanes. Therefore I am a sucker for this aircraft!

I'm thinking of dropping one of these Merlin engines into the truck.

Radial engines are absolutely beautiful.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cleaning out the Camera

A small selection of random shots.