Clean and simple. One of my favorites.
A Life Evac helicopter. Pilot Dave was fun to talk to - he was very enthusiastic about his aircraft and their mission. On the right is the pretty LifeFlight nurse that was making eyes at Jack and allowed him to sit in the pilot's seat.
On to the cars! This shows that even Volvos can be classics. Very ugly and oh so cool.
Jack's Favorite.
427 cubic inches waiting to be unleashed...
Ferrari Testarossa. Daddy's dream car from the sixth through the tenth grades.
Jack narrowly avoided being eaten by this hungry truck.
Today was such a beautiful day that everyone had their cool cars out for a drive. On the way home we passed a 1940's GMC firetruck driving up Route 1. Just after that we spotted a Lamborghini pulling out of a neighborhood. Nice car, but imagine spending all of that coin on a go-fast only to be sitting in this traffic repeatedly!
After some lunch -Jack's Happy Meal had a cool boys toy skateboard thing and my Happy Meal had a girls fairy type toy =Not such a Happy Meal for Daddy - we spent some time riding bikes. (Don't tell Mommy that we're not wearing a helmet!)
I present to you Jack's silly face while riding a trike.
Now for Daddy's turn.
Jack re-enacting the scene from Titantic."I'm King of the World!"