Saturday, September 18, 2010

Our Saturday

Daddy hasn't decided if this picture conveys 'cute' or 'evil'.
Jackson and Daddy visited Stafford Regional Airport today for a Car and Plane show. There were a whole lot of planes, helicopters, cars, and trucks to see. This semi-ultralight is equipped with pontoons for water operations. Jack and I had a chance to watch this plane take off for a short hop around the field -the pilot held the plane at a pretty high angle of attack. Not sure if this was for any reason or if he was just showing off, but that thing can climb!

Clean and simple. One of my favorites.
Cubs are cool!

A Life Evac helicopter. Pilot Dave was fun to talk to - he was very enthusiastic about his aircraft and their mission. On the right is the pretty LifeFlight nurse that was making eyes at Jack and allowed him to sit in the pilot's seat.
In addition to the cars and planes there were vendors at the show. Grandma was there with her stained glass so we visited a bit and went looking at the other things for sale. This vendor had a whole bunch of planes and helicopters made out of aluminum cans. Sounds silly but these are neat. I talked to one of the guys that manned the tent and he happily showed me how the planes were made. Simple process that requires a whole bunch of patience. I believe the markup on the planes is several thousand percent! I am going to attempt to make one of the planes this winter.

On to the cars! This shows that even Volvos can be classics. Very ugly and oh so cool.

Jack's Favorite.

427 cubic inches waiting to be unleashed...

Daddy Like!

Ferrari Testarossa. Daddy's dream car from the sixth through the tenth grades.

Jacked up and ready to race!

Jack narrowly avoided being eaten by this hungry truck.

Just another in a long list of trucks Daddy would like to own. (Sigh.)

Today was such a beautiful day that everyone had their cool cars out for a drive. On the way home we passed a 1940's GMC firetruck driving up Route 1. Just after that we spotted a Lamborghini pulling out of a neighborhood. Nice car, but imagine spending all of that coin on a go-fast only to be sitting in this traffic repeatedly!

After some lunch -Jack's Happy Meal had a cool boys toy skateboard thing and my Happy Meal had a girls fairy type toy =Not such a Happy Meal for Daddy - we spent some time riding bikes. (Don't tell Mommy that we're not wearing a helmet!)

I present to you Jack's silly face while riding a trike.

Now for Daddy's turn.

Jack re-enacting the scene from Titantic."I'm King of the World!"

Do a little dance...Get down tonight!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

That's right, you'll have to get through me in order to take the rings....Try me!

The bride and groom gave Jackson a wonderful gift for his help in the ceremony. Jack now has his very own radio control Jeep. A Scrambler with a cool paint job no less! Jack says it is "my most favorite toy ever!"

Lots of color all around!
Gotta do something while waiting on the ladies.

Um, bud - I don't think you are the one supposed to catch the bouquet? Maybe you shouldn't be so excited!

Congratulations Brent and Shannah!

Shannah, you've been a part of the family for quite a while already but welcome to officially being a member of the crew!

Catching Up

Spotted this truck struggling along the streets near the house. This truck belongs to the wonderful Verizon contractors that have been digging the entire neighborhood up to install the latest and greatest distribution system for FIOS. The same contractors that removed grass and soil from several spots in our yard and then filled the holes with mulch. Thanks, guys!
Just for an idea of how grossly overloaded that truck is, that is a F-350 and it is sitting on it's bumpstops. Somewhere along the way these last weeks we visited the PWC Fair. Jack and Levi posed for some pictures.

On the way out of the fair I used my Super-Dooper Eagle Eye Old Truck Detecto-Vision to spot this truck for sale. Always on the lookout for a 'cool' truck for NorthernDaddy, I snapped a few photos. Upon closer review this truck is teetering on the edge between diamond in the rough and P.O.S. and therefore nothing to get excited about.

Guess we'll keep on looking!