Thursday, September 9, 2010

Catching Up

Spotted this truck struggling along the streets near the house. This truck belongs to the wonderful Verizon contractors that have been digging the entire neighborhood up to install the latest and greatest distribution system for FIOS. The same contractors that removed grass and soil from several spots in our yard and then filled the holes with mulch. Thanks, guys!
Just for an idea of how grossly overloaded that truck is, that is a F-350 and it is sitting on it's bumpstops. Somewhere along the way these last weeks we visited the PWC Fair. Jack and Levi posed for some pictures.

On the way out of the fair I used my Super-Dooper Eagle Eye Old Truck Detecto-Vision to spot this truck for sale. Always on the lookout for a 'cool' truck for NorthernDaddy, I snapped a few photos. Upon closer review this truck is teetering on the edge between diamond in the rough and P.O.S. and therefore nothing to get excited about.

Guess we'll keep on looking!

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