Friday, February 17, 2012

New News

It has been awhile since the last post. Actually, it's been a really long time! Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and even Valentine's Day have all come and gone with no new posts.

Well, the long run of no posts will now be broken. With some BIG NEWS!

Our family is getting bigger.

No, this doesn't reference my ever-growing waistline. Rather, it means that we are expecting a baby to arrive in August.

Mommy and Dad went to the doctor for a checkup visit yesterday and all is well with Momma and the Baby. The doctor used the Doppler thingy to listen for the heartbeat, and after a few seconds of obnoxious static we heard the tiny, rapid beat of our little one's heart.

So life is going to get more interesting over the coming months. I'm sure there will be a little crying, frazzled emotions, and some morning sickness... and that's just from Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Finally! An update! Dude, I thought your blog wuz dead. Good to see news!
