Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Candy Corn Oreos

There was recently a posted plea from a candy corn addict hoping to get a fix with the latest and greatest incarnation of the wonderful candy corn flavor.

Well, as it turns out, the cookies did indeed arrive in stores on September 10th. On September 11th, a package of the cookies arrived in our home...

 A quick culinary review- the cookies are presented in a brightly colored outer wrapper that sets a festive mood. Upon opening the package, one is greeted by a slightly sweet aroma that hints at the tasty goodness awaiting your taste buds. The top cookie twists easily and cleanly off the two-toned frosting filler...

The initial taste of the new candy corn flavored Oreo leaves you a bit bewildered. Isn't this cookie supposed to have CANDY CORN flavor? These Oreos taste pretty much like every other Oreo cookie. Which is not a bad thing! After a crunch or two the taste does yield a candy corn flavor that is quite enjoyable. Of course, as required after eating one Oreo you of course have to eat another. And then another. 

 Rest assured Northenbaby Clan, there will be some of these cookies for you. Possibly even sooner than Christmas time. As long as the UPS man doesn't get ahold of them first!

1 comment:

  1. When I read "Upon opening the package...", I think my heart stopped for a second. Then a loud screaming started in my head. NO-NO-N0 DON'T EAT MY COOKIES!!!
