Friday, October 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

Today's post is a quick jumble of random thoughts.
Why do people still not buckle their seat belts? There are hundreds of studies and thousands of real life reports from many years showing very solid evidence that seat belt usage saves lives or at the very least prevents severe injuries in the event of a crash. Yet during several recent commutes I had the chance to observe other drivers while creeping along in traffic. Well over half of the drivers around me were not using their belts. When will people learn?

I got my flu shot tonight. I've received a flu shot each year for the past three years and I still don't know if the shot actually does anything for me, but the shot is free through work so I'll continue to drink the Koolaide.

Why are all of the people I went to high school with now divorced? Seemingly all of my friends from school are either separated or divorced. Marriage isn't always easy - there have been days my lovely wife has driven me insane just as I'm sure there are days I push her past the brink of crazy. However, the rough times make our relationship stronger and the good times ever the better. I love ya Mandi!

What's with Facebook? When did it merge with Twitter? That is the only explanation I can think of as to why people feel the need to update their statuses with everyday, mundane things. I don't need to know that you just arrived at the grocery store, or that you are hungry. Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends far and near but each time I read a Twitter-style post I grow less and less enthused for Facebook.

I find myself currently obsessed with photography. I stumbled across a site about Urban Exploration ( The site is loaded with reports and pictures of people exploring abandoned houses and other sites - some of the photos are absolutely amazing and have renewed my desire to capture unique and creative images. I'm stuck with my SLR film camera for now but hope to break into a digital SLR sometime in the near future to save on film development costs and to allow quick photo feedback.

Why can a five year old male hear words like "Cookies", "Toy", and "Yes" but not hear words like "Cleanup", "Bathtime", and "No"?

That's all of the randomness for now.

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