Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

The House of Jack crew has been busy lately. Mom and Dad stay on the move keeping their respective stores stocked with gifts for people to buy. Jack has been churning out endless Lego creations. Murphy has been practicing for a hibernation marathon - he's approaching an impressive ten consecutive hours of napping daily!
Daddy won out over Mommy Grinch about the Christmas decorating so the H.O.J. set up the tree. Well, most of the tree. Every year we struggle with where to put the tree - the base is wide enough that we end up moving furniture to make the tree fit and even then end up with no room to move around the living room. So this year we only set up half of the tree. If you leave half of the limbs off of a fake tree you can place the newly created 'flat side' of the tree against the wall and save a large amount of room!
This is our first fake tree. If you ask me, the tree is a little scrawny with just the two limbs. Plus the tree's silly grin just doesn't fit in with the decor...

The next photo shows our decorated half-tree and our very own jolly little elf!

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