Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Original

Sometimes the simplest things can make you stop in your tracks and think of things you don't often think about.

This cardboard logo is now a 'poster' in my office. The Andy Boy brand sign is from the box of some sort of produce we carry at the store, but for me it's a reminder that I miss my brother.

Now, I'm not the sort to get all teary-eyed and start bawling about not being able to regularly see and talk to my brother due to the fact that he lives hundreds of miles away. I do however, miss sharing things with my only brother. I miss hanging out fishing, four wheeling, fixing trucks, and talking for a long time about nothing in particular. Yes, technology exists that would allow me to call or video chat with him - but it's not the same. I don't much care for talking on the phone and neither does he. Email doesn't work well - I rarely check the messages. (It's been three months since I updated the blog...I think it's been almost that long since I've logged into the email account!).

So our lives carry on. Mine here in Virginia, and his in Vermont. I would love to have my brother closer to 'home' and share time with him, Cari and Levi. Miss you guys. Know that I think of you all often.

After all, I do have my Andy Boy Brand poster on the wall!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that made me cry you talking about missing Andy. Blame that on Cari.

