Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Where's Waldo?

I recently rediscovered Prince William Forest Park.

PWNF is a National Park that is close to our house. I can leave the house and be deep into the woods in less than twelve minutes. The park is 15,ooo acres and features many hiking trails, a scenic drive, and two long forks of a fishable creek.

I've spent several days hiking the trails and reminding myself just how out of shape I have become. I think the National Park Service should be required to place additional warnings on the trail head signs. Something along the lines of "Fat Guys Be Warned - This Will Hurt" or "If You Walk Down This Really Steep Hill - Remember That You Have To Walk Back Up It".

After walking about 5 miles along the most secluded trail in the park, I found myself alone with just the budding trees and the chattering squirrels as company. There are no roads or camps any closer than 3 miles. There is absolutely nothing but forest for miles around me. As I paused to catch my breath from yet another set of switchbacks (I call them Satan's Staircases), I spotted a dash of color. Upon further investigation I found this...

Look closely.

Does anything look out of place?


  1. I think someone parked a tree too close to a fire hydrant. :-) Great pictures!

  2. I'll issue a parking ticket next time I'm out there!
