Saturday, June 26, 2010

Demolition Man

I've been talking about tearing down this shed for the past two years. Over the ten plus years we've lived in this house the shed slowly deteriorated. After building a new and larger shed to function as my workshop (thanks Vance!) I simply ignored the older shed and allowed it to die a slow death. Animals took up residence in the attic section of the shed, the footings failed and caused the shed to lean to one side, and the wood on many parts had simply rotted away.
After listening to me complain about wanting to tear down the shed and watching me not do anything about it for so long, my wonderful wife finally suggested we tear it down over a three day weekend we both had off. She even offered to help. So early one Friday I came home from work and started the project. My beautiful bride slept. I removed the dormer from the roof balancing on an extension ladder and sweating. My helpful partner went shopping. Wait just a minute....where's my help?I reached this stage shortly before Mandi and Jack returned from shopping. Jack wanted nothing to do with this project. Smart kid! Mandi helped tear apart some pieces and load up the trailer. (Did I mention it was 96 degrees with super high humidity?)
Right before the picture above was taken Mandi and I were the center of entertainment for several of our neighbors. I neglected to account for the instability of the last wall standing and nearly had the entire wall fall onto the fence. Or the trailer. Neither was a great landing place! So I balanced the wall by applying all of my weight to the sill plate while Mandi ran for a strap and tied the wall off - now we could pull the wall down in the direction we wanted it to go. As we prepared to yank on the strap and send the wall crashing down we spotted the neighbors gathered in an adjacent backyard watching us with a mix of bewilderment and amusement. Hoping to live up to our billing as "The Best Free Redneck Entertainment for 100 miles", we wrapped ourselves tight with the strap and sent the wall tumbling down with a bang! No applause, no tip, nothing!

So now we have a big empty spot where the rotten shed used to stand. Planty of new parking for the trailer and truck!

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