Saturday, June 26, 2010

Doors? We don't need no steenkin' doors

One of my current projects is to get the old truck ready enough for the trip to Camp Heep this year. Camp Heep is an annual wheeling trip for NovaJeepers. To reach this goal I have a list of to-do items twenty feet long! One item on the list was to replace the jouncy bench seat with something more suitable for creeping along rocky trails. I picked up a pair of bucket seats out of a Celica AllTrac that were past their prime for the car, but still full of life for a 37 year old pile of rust truck. After a little (alright, a LOT) of experimenting with mounting locations and methods I drilled a few holes and turned a few bolts. I now have a perfectly positioned chair that won't send the top of my head into a high speed collision with the roof at the smallest road imperfection.

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