Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

It's been a few years since I've last written you a Christmas Wish List. I apologize for the long gap in correspondence. I hope all is well with you and the Missus, the reindeer, and the elves (except for that darn pointy-eared Morwaion - you can remind him that the restraining order is still in effect!). Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that this year I wanted to save you a few precious seconds during your Christmas Eve travels by allowing you and the reindeer to drag that sleigh right on past my house.

You see, this year I don't need anything. I have my health. I have a job that pays well. I have a loving wife that puts up with my eternal childishness. I have a great son. I have the best set of parents, and some really great in laws. I have a wonderful brother who sometimes remembers to reply to my emails. I have a house that keeps me comfortable. I have more than enough to eat.
I have pretty much everything I need. There are a few things I want, but I've come to understand lately that those material things are just empty filler compared to what really matters in life.

So when you are programming the SantaMatic GPS next week, just delete the house on Mapledale from the list and keep on cruising. Jackson has been warned that you will not be stopping here and understands any items you have for him will be left at Grandma's house. If you still insist on grabbing some cookies from this location (and you shouldn't be eating so many cookies, you bowl-of-jelly-lardbutt) I will leave the cookies and milk out near the front steps. Just keep quiet when you come jingling by for the treats, 'cause I'll be enjoying my rest.

{Again, make sure that vertically challenged, curly shoe wearing, Spock-eared dwarf Morwaion understands that if he shows up here anytime soon I will personally chase him down and make him a one of a kind lawn decoration! }

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