Monday, December 13, 2010

No Photo Available

This post was going to show a neighbor's cool Christmas decorations but since the neighbor took down the display for some reason there will be no picture.
The lawn decorations told the story of the Grinch. A lawn tractor with a snowplow blade was centered on the lawn. Perched on the tractor seat was a wooden cutout of the Grinch, sporting a very smug and satisfied expression. In front of the plow blade was a knocked over Christmas tree. Just behind the rear tire of the tractor was a wooden cutout of a reindeer complete with 'x's for eyes (you see, the Grinch ran over the reindeer and the tree - ok, if I have to explain it..). In front of the whole tractor destruction scene was a wooden Santa cutout jumping up and down and shaking his fist at the Grinch. There were scattered presents around the tractor. A very well executed presentation of the story of the Grinch, minus the part where his heart grows to ten times it's size. This work of art was on display for several days until it abruptly disappeared one afternoon, replaced with simple icicle lights hanging from the eaves.
I have no idea why the Grinch display went away. My first guess is that the lady of the house was away when the guy set up the whole Grinch thing and upon her return he was directed to remove his artistic display.
What a shame!

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