Friday, June 22, 2012

Rockin' and Rollin'(or Geezin' and Wheezin'!)

I just started riding my bike.

Things are not how they used to be. I used to be able to ride a twenty mile loop daily with no ill effects. Now  I can barely make it three miles without my legs threatening to detach themselves from the rest of my body. I used to be able to scream down hills with precision control. Now I wobble along the smallest decline hoping the bike misses nearby trees. I used to manage steering and pedaling while gracefully raising a water bottle to my lips for a drink of water. Now I have to stop, dismount, and use both hands to prevent showering myself with water when attempting to quench my thirst.

So while things are quite different now than they used to be, I am excited to be outside getting a workout. The first day I wrestled the bicycle through a torturous six miles. The second day I squeezed in a three mile singletrack loop. Today I revisited the three mile loop and noticed that while my legs still ached on the hills, I rode the trail with a bit less difficulty as before. I am determined to keep at this biking thing and be able to regain some of my former ability to rock and roll!


  1. You ARE wearing a helmet, aren't you?

  2. Yes, I wear a helmet. Amanda used the "you need to stay safe for your wife and son" line, and it worked. I look dorky, but I am safe (at least from head injuries!)

  3. "I used to be able to scream down hills with precision control." -- and now it's just screaming down hills in terror, right?

    Leave it to mothers to check on the right nice to be wearing that helmet when you snap your leg like a twig.(smiley!)
