Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Trip

I recently returned from the trip. The Trip. Since the baby is due the same weekend in August that my annual four wheeling trip is scheduled, this week has been my vacation for the year. I'll take some time off from work when the baby arrives, but I'm certain that will not be much of a vacation. The Trip was a three day adventure - I pulled the Jeep J2000 to Vermont to be with it's new owner. (see post down below somewhere for the new owner) The trip was both long and short. Long in seat time, short in visiting time.

To review the trip I have compiled a list of facts from the three days.
-Total time to drive from Woodbridge, VA to Jericho, VT = 16+ hours
-Total time to drive from Jericho, VT to Woodbridge, VA = 13 hours
-Total spent on gas = $337.00
-Highest price paid for gas = $3.87 per gallon (New York)
-Lowest price paid for gas = $3.34 per gallon(Pennsylvania)
-Amount paid in tolls =$16.40
-Number of times GPS unit was threatened with being thrown out window of moving truck = 4
-Number of heart stopping moments = 1 (deer stepped into road 300ft in front of truck and trailer)
-Number of times Colt Ford album played = 12
-Number of fast food stops during drive up and back = 0
-Total cows spotted on trip = 2,103,237,985,932

The main reason it took so long to drive to Vermont was that I was driving the truck at a certain RPM instead of a speed. So that meant that my speed varied anywhere from 45mph to 68 mph. I kept the truck around an RPM that wouldn't tax the engine or transmission. The total weight of the trailer with the J2000 was within 500lbs of the tow rating for the truck, so I played things safe and let it take as long as needed to get to Jericho.

Two other reasons it took so long to drive up there were an accident in New York that clogged three lanes of highway for a loong time, and my navigation mistake that took me through downtown Schenectady, NY. The detour I took through Schenectady was interesting - aside from the stoplights every 70 feet for four miles of pothole filled road, the pedestrians seemed to not care if they lived or died. I stopped counting after the 40th person stepped off the curb into my path. I stopped caring if I ran them over after the 30th. If you deem your life to be worth so little that you don't take a second to glance around for traffic before stepping into the road, then I won't think your life counts for much either! 

I really enjoyed the trip. I like pulling a trailer. I know I'm weird, but I like the extra attention required when there is a trailer behind your truck. You have to plan ahead for hills, watch for the extra space needed when braking, and be aware of tight spots and turns. It's not rocket science, but the extra brain activity kept me engaged for the whole time.

I did get to visit with the Northerns a bit. Levi was obsessed with the trailer. He climbed on, over, and around the trailer after the Jeep was unloaded. Levi also thought that the trailer made a great skateboard ramp. Yes, he did put on a helmet!

The reason for the trip. A man and his new truck.

Overall, a good trip.

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