Thursday, June 14, 2012

Teacher Appreciation

Jackson finishes kindergarten this week. The first year of school comes to an end. While Jackson is excited to be moving on to first grade, he says he will miss his friends and teachers. 

I usually use this blog to talk about Jackson's adventures or family related topics but this time I want to use this blog to say "Thank You." Thank you to all of the teachers that have contributed to Jackson's education this year. Jackson had teachers that taught Physical Education, Music, Art, Science, and Computer Lab. All of these teachers were wonderful! However, the biggest thanks of all goes to Jackson's kindergarten teacher.  Jackson started the year with the very basic skills of being able to count to ten and recite the alphabet. Thanks to a very patient teacher (I can barely handle Jack by himself - I can't imagine spending day after day with almost twenty six and seven year old kids!) Jack has learned how to add, subtract, read, write, and spell. Yes, I said read! Jackson used to bring book after book to Mommy or Daddy for his daily fix of stories. Now, Jack can get comfortable with the latest Clifford or Pokemon book and read it himself! 
So before I get totally off track about how great my little monkey Jackson is and all of the things he can do, let me say this...

Thank you Ms. Fightmaster for your dedication and desire for helping young minds develop. Thank you for the countless hours you spend in the classroom and at home getting lesson plans ready and creating activities that challenge and engage our children and make them want to come back each day to learn more. Thank you for your saint-like patience that allows you to remain surrounded each day by twenty children that all want to talk at once, touch their friends, create a mess, and chatter non-stop to you about what is going on in their lives. Thank you for the memories you have created for Jackson -and for us- with the special projects the kids completed throughout the year. There is no way I can truly express how grateful Amanda and I are that Jackson had you to guide him through the first year of his education, so I simply say,
"Thank You".

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